jueves, 19 de junio de 2008

Error in outlook add-in when user assignment is Proposed

If you have an assignamet which has got its booking type as Proposed you will find that outlook add in gives you a message like this "You have not any assignments to upload" when you try to import new assignments. This hapens becouse resource hours are not reserved, as the user is just proposed for the project.
To solve this change user's booking type from Proposed to Commited. This can be done editing the resource from the resources pages.

miércoles, 11 de junio de 2008

Error synchronizing Project Server and Active Directory resources

I have find some resources which cannot be sync with Active Directory and makes that Published database gets in an inconsistent state. For these resources you will get an "Unknown Error" when you try to modify them and if you try to remove them you will find that resources are cheked-out. As you can see in "force check-in enterprise objects" these resources are not listened as cheked-out.
Another sympthom of this is that users which are in an inconsistent state have it's status as innactive, so they can't get in Project Web Access.
How to monitor the error?
If you take a look to the Published database you will find in the MSP_RESOURCES table that users which are in an inconsistent state have his RES_CHEKEDUOT_BY filed to a empty GUID.
Of course it is not correct that value since this is what is causing the error.
How do we solve it?
1. Open an issue with Microsoft or install its hotfixes.
2. Run a sql squery wich will get the user in a consistent state:
Where RES_NAME='Name_Of_The_User'
Of course the second option is not supported by Microsoft so you will loose Microsoft's support if you modify the databases and you don't reurn them to its original state.
After doing that you will be able to modify user's state from the Project Web Access site.

jueves, 5 de junio de 2008

Timer job definitions for SSP

I have been working in an enviroment wich was working well unill last week. We found that the queue was not working at all. All the projects were getting enqueued but all of them were in state Waiting... After trying restarting all the services and see that was not a good solution we try to find the error.
Wen we create a new Shared Services Provider this will create two timer job definitions wich are needed for Projecct Server:
Shared Services timer job.
Project Server Synchronizing job for "SharedServicesprovidername".
If there is one of these Timer Jobs Definitions wich doesn't exists then project server sites will not work properly.
What's the solution? there are more than solution for this problem but the most easy is to create another Shared Services Provider, change the associations for the web applications to the new Shared Services Provider and delete the old one.
If you have properties defined in old Shared Services Provider (profiles, excel services, BDC, search....) you will need to configure it again in the new SSP.